Автор Тема: TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Tex  (Прочитано 483 раз)

21 Декабрь 2020, 15:00:02
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Всем привет! Нужна Ваша помощь https://sushipanda.ee/ru/oformlenie-zakaza
выводится ошибка TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error
Прочитал https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14285631/prestashop-ajax-registration-bug
но к сожалению среди файлов не нашел 97 строчки
I had found a solution. Most of sources told that i should turn off mobile functionality in theme. I did so, but it didn't help. So I checked form it was referencing to certain adress but AJAX request was directed to homepage.

So I'd modified AJAX request in file so it directs same place as form.

In /themes/default/authentication.tpl about line 97 there was line:

url: baseUri,
I had changed it to:

url: baseUri + 'index.html?controller=authentication'